Coaching offers individualized access to support, guidance and psychological and neurological strategies and techniques that you may need to help you achieve you goals in life. Individual and group coaching is available over the phone. Coaching is supplemented by access to workshops and talks on brain strategies, and by access to a Facebook support group moderated by Dr. Shikhman.
Available Programs:
Unlimited You Group Coaching Program
Unlimited You Program consists of a 3-4 hour hands-on workshop Resolution For Success and a 6-months coaching program. Resolution For Success focuses on assessing needs, setting personally meaningful goals and creating a plan of action. 6-month group coaching program that follows the Resolution for Success workshop meets twice-per-month in virtual groups. One of the two monthly meetings will be dedicated to 1-hr long hands-on mini-workshops aimed at learning strategies aimed at improving motivation, supporting following through with the plan and avoiding self-sabotaging. Second monthly meeting will focus on accountability and support. Specific topics covered in the Resolution for Success workshop and monthly mini-workshops are as following:
Resolution for Success Workshop:
Setting personally meaningful aims
Setting measurable and achievable goals and benchmarks based on the personal aims
Creating a plan
Monthly mini-workshops:
- Beating procrastination
- Creating habits
- Improving resilience of habitual behaviors
- Boosting motivation and building a Team-You
- Boosting motivation and challenging self-defeating thoughts
- Building resilience for long-term success
Individual Personalized Coaching:
Breakthrough Session:
90-minute phone consultation aimed at exploring your needs, and creating an individualized, comprehensive plan to achieving your goals.
3-Months Individual Coaching Program:
One 60-minute Breakthrough Session to assess your needs and create a plan for the next 3 months. Bi-monthly 30-minute follow-up sessions (6 total) to help you achieve your 3-month goal.
3-Months Individual and Group Coaching Program:
One 60-minute Breakthrough Session to assess your needs and create a plan for the next 3 months. Once-per-month (3 total) individual 30-minute sessions and once-per-month (3 total) group 60-minute sessions to help you achieve your 3-month goal. Access to private Facebook support group.
3-Month Group Coaching Program:
One 60-minute Breakthrough Session to assess your needs and create a plan for the next 3 months. Bi-monthly 60-minute group support sessions (6 total) to help you achieve your 3-month goal. Access to private Facebook support group.